Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

How to furnish a barbie house

R. Rahmi P
Things You'll Need
* Barbie Bathroom Sets * Barbie Bedroom Sets
* Barbie Dolls * Barbie Houses
* Barbie Kitchen Sets * Barbie Living Room Sets
1. Determine how big the house is. Many official Barbie houses are quite small and cannot hold much furniture.
2. Find out what furniture the house already has. You don't want to buy a dining room table if it already has one.
3. Learn what rooms the house has. Most have at least a bedroom, living room and kitchen.
4. Think about the types of furniture available for Barbies. Many items are battery-powered and have lights, make noise or spray water. Decide if you want a high-tech item like this.
5. Go to your local toy store and walk down the Barbie aisle and see everything that is available.
6. Consider furniture that is designed for imitation Barbie dolls. You will have a greater variety of options this way and may find things similar to real Barbie furniture at lower prices.
7. Check catalogs and online stores for a wider variety of furniture items.
8. Recognize that some Barbie furniture is designed for smaller Barbies , but some dollhouse accessories for smaller dolls will work for Barbie. Make sure you purchase furniture that is big enough for Barbie.

Explanation about Salt

Yuliane V

The salt comes from evaporated sea water. Sea water is first poured into the plots using a pump or a windmill, for it usually plots are located on the waterfront. Sea water was allowed to evaporate in a swath up to 15 days if the weather is sunny, or it could be more if the weather is overcast. Sea water that has evaporated will form white crystals which are then dredged to then be stored or processed again. In addition to powder form, there is also a shaped beam.

Benefits of Salt for life
Apart from being one of the food flavor enhancer, salt, sodium compounds are also useful because it also takes the body to maintain acid-base in the cell body to a normal place cell activity. In addition, the iodine in salt is mixed add intelligence. Salt can also be used as food preservatives, such as those used on salted fish.

How Venus Eclipse Happens?

Yonanda J T R
On 2010, people in most regions in the world have seen a very rare natural phenomenon. It was Venus eclipse. It was very rare amazing natural event. It was reported that the Venus eclipse will seen again in the future in 2050. Do you know how Venus eclipse happens?
Well, actually Venus eclipse is like Sun eclipse. Venus eclipses occurs when the position of the earth, moon and Venus is parallel. Venus planet will slowly disappear for a moment because it is covered the surface of the Moon. Venus planet seems to move to the back side of the Moon.
The moon and planets are sharing a similar apparent path in the sky. That is why, it is not unusual for the moon to appear to pass close to Venus. In fact, the moon appears somewhere near it about once a month. However, most people don’t see these events because they are visible in the evening sky only half the time, and then only for a short period after sunset.

Fast Food is Unhealthy or not

Widia Santi
Fast food is the term for a kind of food that people eat from a restaurant where food is prepared and served quickly.
Inspite of its controversial issues, there is still many peoples who consume fast food. They think that fast food is more practical for their busy life.We can find it everywhere and also get this kind of food with a cheap price. Besides that, people also thinks that fast food has a good taste.
However, fast food has a negative effect if consumed over. Many peoples belive that fast food can make a lack of nutrition need by our body. It is also unhealthy because most of fast food always contains dangerous additive substrate that can disturb our health.
As a result of this pro and cons about fast food, the people should care about what they consume. Even if they consume junk food, they must know how much the save standardization to consume fast food and also balance it with eating healthy food so that the negative effect of fast food can be minimalized. But it’s wisely to choose consuming healthy food than fast food.


Siti Rokayah
Death penalty is punishment that given for people who did a criminal case. Such as terrorist perpetrators. Usually they are punished by hard punishment. So people will not do an evil. They will afraid of it.
Recently terrorist perpetrators are mushroom in Indonesia and they are very dangerous for Indonesia people safety. If the terror perpetrators are lying around in our mother land, of course they will be stronger and the wont be afraid of killing us because their ideology killing is legal and they call sahid dying. So they will be brutal with their wrong ideology.
Killing people is against human right and losing the people life means breaking god’s law that killing is being sins. We have a love prinsip with five principle that we must be tolerance each other at least we must discuss what they want and we look for the solution. Why they are killing.
God gives us this world to be fulfilled by the humans. Of course we have some rules to live together and one of the rules don’t kill each other. So what for kill them.

Explanation about tornado

Sheila Nesa Aqila
Before thunderstorms develop, a change in wind direction and an increase in wind speed with increasing height creates an invisible, horizontal spinning effect in the lower atmosphere. Rising air within the thunderstorm updraft tilts the rotating air from horizontal to vertical. An area of rotation, 2-6 miles wide, now extends through much of the storm. Most strong and violent tornadoes form within this area of strong rotation.
A lower cloud base in the centre of the photograph identifies an area of rotation known as a rotating wall cloud. This area is often nearly rain-free. Note rain in the background. Moments later a strong tornado develops in this area. Softball-size hail and damaging "straight-line" winds also occurred with this storm. Tornadoes usually result from a very large thunderstorm. Cold air and warm air combine, and the cold air goes down as the warm air rises. This warm air eventually twists into a spiral, forming a funnel cloud. As the sky turns a very dark green colour, the tornado begins its path of destruction

Legenda Rama dan Shinta

Sena Indra P
Once upon a time, di sebuah kerajaan besar dalam legenda, kerajaan Ayodya. Kerajaan Ayodya memiliki sorang raja yang bernama Rama Wijaya, dengan ratunya Dewi Shinta.
Suatu hari, Rama dan Shinta pergi ke kerajaan mantili untuk menemui shintas father. Tapi dalam perjalanan, mereka bertemu dengan seekor kijang yang cantik. Shinta meminta rama untuk menangkap kijang itu. Tapi, masalah terjadi setelah itu…
Shinta : rajaku, lihatlah kijang itu
Rama : kijang yang sangat cantik
Shinta : benar, tangkaplah dia untukku rajaku
Rama : baik, tunggulah disini
Rama pergi mengejar kijang itu, sementara shinta menunggunya. The fact, kijang itu adalah kijang palsu, itu adalah rencana rahwana untuk menculik shinta. Setelah rama pergi, rahwana memulai aksinya.
Rahwana : hello ladies
Shinta : who are you?
Rahwana : aku jodohmu
Shinta : what? Apa maksudmu?
Rahwana : ayo ikut aku ke alengkadireja kingdom
Shinta : Noo, Ramaaa help mee
Rahwana berhasil menculik dewi shinta, akan tetapi seekor burung garuda mencoba menyelamatkan shinta. Terjadilah pertarungan antara Rahwana melawan Burung Garuda
Rahwana : burung bodoh, pergi kau
Rahwana berhasil mengalahkan burung garuda itu, dan melanjutkan perjalanannya menuju alengka kingdom
Rama kembali setelah dia tahu bahwa kijang itu palsu, dan menemukan bahwa shinta hilang. Rama mencari shinta dimana-mana, lalu dia bertemu seekor burung garuda yang terluka, akhirnya rama tahu bahwa rahwana yang telah menculik ratunya.
Rama segera menuju alengka kingdom untuk menemukan ratunya, tapi on the way, rama bertemu hanoman, si kera putih. Hanman sedang menyanyikan lagu favoritnya.
Hanoman : Rama, what are you doing here?
Rama : aku akan pergi ke alengka kingdom
Hanoman : alengka kingdom? Untuk apa?
Rama : Rahwana telah menculik shinta.
Hanoman : what? If like that, I will help you
Rama : terimakasih hanoman
Rama dan hanoman pergi ke alengka kingdom.
Akhirnya mereka sampai di alengka kingdom. Lalu mereka menghancurkan seluruh kerajaan untuk menemukan shinta. Rahwana tahu hal itu, dia sangat marah dan keluar menemui rama dan hanoman. Indrajid, anak dari rahwana melawan hanoman. Sedangkan Rahwana melawan Rama.
Pertempuran besar terjadi, tapi pada akhirnya rama dan hanoman berhasil mengalahkan Rahwana dan Indrajid.
Rama dan shinta kembali bersatu. Mereka hidup bahagia selamanya.

The Legend of Rama and Shinta
Sena Indra P
Once upon a time, in a great empire in the legend, the kingdom of Ayodya. Ayodya kingdom has a king named Rama Wijaya, and the queen named Dewi Shinta.
One day, Rama and Shinta goes to Mantili kingdom to meet Shintas father. But on the way, they meet a beautiful deer. Shinta asks Rama to capture the deer. But, the problem happened after that…
Shinta : my king, look that
Rama : a beautiful deer
Shinta : Right, catch it for me my king
Rama : ok, no prob. Please wait here
Rama goes cashing deer, and Shinta waiting for him. The fact, the deer is fake. It was a Rahwanas plan to kidnap Shinta. After Rama left, Rahwana started his action.
Rahwana : hello ladies
Shinta : who are you?
Rahwana : I am your soul mate
Shinta : what? What do you mean?
Rahwana : Follow me into Alengkadireja Kingdom
Shinta : Noo, Ramaa help mee
Rahwana had kidnapped shinta, but an eagle trying to save shinta. There was the fight between Rahwana versus Eagle
Rahwana : stupid bird, feel it
Rahwana was defeated eagle, and continued his journey to Alengka kingdom.
Rama returned after he knew that the deer was a fake, and found that shinta missing. Rama looked for shinta everywhere, and he met a wounded eagle, fainally Rama know that Rahwana who had kidnapped his queen.
Rama goes to Alengka kingdom to find his queen. But on the way, Rama met Hanuman, the white monkey. Hanuman was singing his favorite song.
Rama : Hanumaan!
Hanuman : Rama? What are you doing here?
Rama : I will go to Alengka kingdom
Hanuman : Alengka kingdom? For what?
Rama : Rahwana has kidnapped shinta
Hanuman : What? If like that, I will help you
Rama : Thanks Hanuman
Rama and Hanuman go into the Alengka kingdom.
Finally they arrived on Alengka kingdom. Then they destroyed the entire kingdom to find Shinta. Rahwana knew it, he was very angry and out t see Rama and Hanuman. Indrajid, the son of Rahwana versus Hanuman. And then Rahwana versus Rama.
The great battle going on, but in the end Rama and Hanuman defeated Rahwana and Indrajid. Rama and Shinta back together. They live happily forever.