Nurul Moelina
A honey bee stars the honey making process by visiting a flower and gathering some of its nectar. Worker bees live on average in the summer. they spent the last 3 weeks of their lives foraging for nectar and pollen. A honey bee goes from flower to flower collecting nectar from the nest, bee transfers pollen grains from one flower to another and pollinates the flower the other to produce honey. They gather nectar from flowers through his mouth and then save the honey stomach. After the honey stomach is full, he returned to the nest.
House bees process the nectar of about half an hour during a break enzyme complex sugar (sucrose) in the nectar into simple sugars (fructose and glucose), making it easier to digest and less likely to bees were attacked by bacteria and then stored in nest. Nectar to the bees then spread throughout the hive, turning it into a thick syrup. bees speed up the drying process the nectar with their wings flutter. after nectar, sticky buds, and humidity levels have been reduced. to stop the fermentation, honey and bees cap the honeycomb cell with a plug of wax and honey is stored until the need.