Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

How to furnish a barbie house

R. Rahmi P
Things You'll Need
* Barbie Bathroom Sets * Barbie Bedroom Sets
* Barbie Dolls * Barbie Houses
* Barbie Kitchen Sets * Barbie Living Room Sets
1. Determine how big the house is. Many official Barbie houses are quite small and cannot hold much furniture.
2. Find out what furniture the house already has. You don't want to buy a dining room table if it already has one.
3. Learn what rooms the house has. Most have at least a bedroom, living room and kitchen.
4. Think about the types of furniture available for Barbies. Many items are battery-powered and have lights, make noise or spray water. Decide if you want a high-tech item like this.
5. Go to your local toy store and walk down the Barbie aisle and see everything that is available.
6. Consider furniture that is designed for imitation Barbie dolls. You will have a greater variety of options this way and may find things similar to real Barbie furniture at lower prices.
7. Check catalogs and online stores for a wider variety of furniture items.
8. Recognize that some Barbie furniture is designed for smaller Barbies , but some dollhouse accessories for smaller dolls will work for Barbie. Make sure you purchase furniture that is big enough for Barbie.

Explanation about Salt

Yuliane V

The salt comes from evaporated sea water. Sea water is first poured into the plots using a pump or a windmill, for it usually plots are located on the waterfront. Sea water was allowed to evaporate in a swath up to 15 days if the weather is sunny, or it could be more if the weather is overcast. Sea water that has evaporated will form white crystals which are then dredged to then be stored or processed again. In addition to powder form, there is also a shaped beam.

Benefits of Salt for life
Apart from being one of the food flavor enhancer, salt, sodium compounds are also useful because it also takes the body to maintain acid-base in the cell body to a normal place cell activity. In addition, the iodine in salt is mixed add intelligence. Salt can also be used as food preservatives, such as those used on salted fish.

How Venus Eclipse Happens?

Yonanda J T R
On 2010, people in most regions in the world have seen a very rare natural phenomenon. It was Venus eclipse. It was very rare amazing natural event. It was reported that the Venus eclipse will seen again in the future in 2050. Do you know how Venus eclipse happens?
Well, actually Venus eclipse is like Sun eclipse. Venus eclipses occurs when the position of the earth, moon and Venus is parallel. Venus planet will slowly disappear for a moment because it is covered the surface of the Moon. Venus planet seems to move to the back side of the Moon.
The moon and planets are sharing a similar apparent path in the sky. That is why, it is not unusual for the moon to appear to pass close to Venus. In fact, the moon appears somewhere near it about once a month. However, most people don’t see these events because they are visible in the evening sky only half the time, and then only for a short period after sunset.

Fast Food is Unhealthy or not

Widia Santi
Fast food is the term for a kind of food that people eat from a restaurant where food is prepared and served quickly.
Inspite of its controversial issues, there is still many peoples who consume fast food. They think that fast food is more practical for their busy life.We can find it everywhere and also get this kind of food with a cheap price. Besides that, people also thinks that fast food has a good taste.
However, fast food has a negative effect if consumed over. Many peoples belive that fast food can make a lack of nutrition need by our body. It is also unhealthy because most of fast food always contains dangerous additive substrate that can disturb our health.
As a result of this pro and cons about fast food, the people should care about what they consume. Even if they consume junk food, they must know how much the save standardization to consume fast food and also balance it with eating healthy food so that the negative effect of fast food can be minimalized. But it’s wisely to choose consuming healthy food than fast food.


Siti Rokayah
Death penalty is punishment that given for people who did a criminal case. Such as terrorist perpetrators. Usually they are punished by hard punishment. So people will not do an evil. They will afraid of it.
Recently terrorist perpetrators are mushroom in Indonesia and they are very dangerous for Indonesia people safety. If the terror perpetrators are lying around in our mother land, of course they will be stronger and the wont be afraid of killing us because their ideology killing is legal and they call sahid dying. So they will be brutal with their wrong ideology.
Killing people is against human right and losing the people life means breaking god’s law that killing is being sins. We have a love prinsip with five principle that we must be tolerance each other at least we must discuss what they want and we look for the solution. Why they are killing.
God gives us this world to be fulfilled by the humans. Of course we have some rules to live together and one of the rules don’t kill each other. So what for kill them.

Explanation about tornado

Sheila Nesa Aqila
Before thunderstorms develop, a change in wind direction and an increase in wind speed with increasing height creates an invisible, horizontal spinning effect in the lower atmosphere. Rising air within the thunderstorm updraft tilts the rotating air from horizontal to vertical. An area of rotation, 2-6 miles wide, now extends through much of the storm. Most strong and violent tornadoes form within this area of strong rotation.
A lower cloud base in the centre of the photograph identifies an area of rotation known as a rotating wall cloud. This area is often nearly rain-free. Note rain in the background. Moments later a strong tornado develops in this area. Softball-size hail and damaging "straight-line" winds also occurred with this storm. Tornadoes usually result from a very large thunderstorm. Cold air and warm air combine, and the cold air goes down as the warm air rises. This warm air eventually twists into a spiral, forming a funnel cloud. As the sky turns a very dark green colour, the tornado begins its path of destruction

Legenda Rama dan Shinta

Sena Indra P
Once upon a time, di sebuah kerajaan besar dalam legenda, kerajaan Ayodya. Kerajaan Ayodya memiliki sorang raja yang bernama Rama Wijaya, dengan ratunya Dewi Shinta.
Suatu hari, Rama dan Shinta pergi ke kerajaan mantili untuk menemui shintas father. Tapi dalam perjalanan, mereka bertemu dengan seekor kijang yang cantik. Shinta meminta rama untuk menangkap kijang itu. Tapi, masalah terjadi setelah itu…
Shinta : rajaku, lihatlah kijang itu
Rama : kijang yang sangat cantik
Shinta : benar, tangkaplah dia untukku rajaku
Rama : baik, tunggulah disini
Rama pergi mengejar kijang itu, sementara shinta menunggunya. The fact, kijang itu adalah kijang palsu, itu adalah rencana rahwana untuk menculik shinta. Setelah rama pergi, rahwana memulai aksinya.
Rahwana : hello ladies
Shinta : who are you?
Rahwana : aku jodohmu
Shinta : what? Apa maksudmu?
Rahwana : ayo ikut aku ke alengkadireja kingdom
Shinta : Noo, Ramaaa help mee
Rahwana berhasil menculik dewi shinta, akan tetapi seekor burung garuda mencoba menyelamatkan shinta. Terjadilah pertarungan antara Rahwana melawan Burung Garuda
Rahwana : burung bodoh, pergi kau
Rahwana berhasil mengalahkan burung garuda itu, dan melanjutkan perjalanannya menuju alengka kingdom
Rama kembali setelah dia tahu bahwa kijang itu palsu, dan menemukan bahwa shinta hilang. Rama mencari shinta dimana-mana, lalu dia bertemu seekor burung garuda yang terluka, akhirnya rama tahu bahwa rahwana yang telah menculik ratunya.
Rama segera menuju alengka kingdom untuk menemukan ratunya, tapi on the way, rama bertemu hanoman, si kera putih. Hanman sedang menyanyikan lagu favoritnya.
Hanoman : Rama, what are you doing here?
Rama : aku akan pergi ke alengka kingdom
Hanoman : alengka kingdom? Untuk apa?
Rama : Rahwana telah menculik shinta.
Hanoman : what? If like that, I will help you
Rama : terimakasih hanoman
Rama dan hanoman pergi ke alengka kingdom.
Akhirnya mereka sampai di alengka kingdom. Lalu mereka menghancurkan seluruh kerajaan untuk menemukan shinta. Rahwana tahu hal itu, dia sangat marah dan keluar menemui rama dan hanoman. Indrajid, anak dari rahwana melawan hanoman. Sedangkan Rahwana melawan Rama.
Pertempuran besar terjadi, tapi pada akhirnya rama dan hanoman berhasil mengalahkan Rahwana dan Indrajid.
Rama dan shinta kembali bersatu. Mereka hidup bahagia selamanya.

The Legend of Rama and Shinta
Sena Indra P
Once upon a time, in a great empire in the legend, the kingdom of Ayodya. Ayodya kingdom has a king named Rama Wijaya, and the queen named Dewi Shinta.
One day, Rama and Shinta goes to Mantili kingdom to meet Shintas father. But on the way, they meet a beautiful deer. Shinta asks Rama to capture the deer. But, the problem happened after that…
Shinta : my king, look that
Rama : a beautiful deer
Shinta : Right, catch it for me my king
Rama : ok, no prob. Please wait here
Rama goes cashing deer, and Shinta waiting for him. The fact, the deer is fake. It was a Rahwanas plan to kidnap Shinta. After Rama left, Rahwana started his action.
Rahwana : hello ladies
Shinta : who are you?
Rahwana : I am your soul mate
Shinta : what? What do you mean?
Rahwana : Follow me into Alengkadireja Kingdom
Shinta : Noo, Ramaa help mee
Rahwana had kidnapped shinta, but an eagle trying to save shinta. There was the fight between Rahwana versus Eagle
Rahwana : stupid bird, feel it
Rahwana was defeated eagle, and continued his journey to Alengka kingdom.
Rama returned after he knew that the deer was a fake, and found that shinta missing. Rama looked for shinta everywhere, and he met a wounded eagle, fainally Rama know that Rahwana who had kidnapped his queen.
Rama goes to Alengka kingdom to find his queen. But on the way, Rama met Hanuman, the white monkey. Hanuman was singing his favorite song.
Rama : Hanumaan!
Hanuman : Rama? What are you doing here?
Rama : I will go to Alengka kingdom
Hanuman : Alengka kingdom? For what?
Rama : Rahwana has kidnapped shinta
Hanuman : What? If like that, I will help you
Rama : Thanks Hanuman
Rama and Hanuman go into the Alengka kingdom.
Finally they arrived on Alengka kingdom. Then they destroyed the entire kingdom to find Shinta. Rahwana knew it, he was very angry and out t see Rama and Hanuman. Indrajid, the son of Rahwana versus Hanuman. And then Rahwana versus Rama.
The great battle going on, but in the end Rama and Hanuman defeated Rahwana and Indrajid. Rama and Shinta back together. They live happily forever.

Music Course

Robby Nurul
Everybody is listening to music, nobody’s who don’t know what is music. If they are love music, sometimes they study about it, they study the instrument, like piano, violin, cello, guitar, etc. they study it at music course.
This is a pro-contra about music course.
Some parents sometimes not allow if their children follow the music course, because of music course is disturbing their children’s school. But I think if we can manage time, everything is gonna be ok. You can study about music without disturb your study at your school. And the other reason why parents not allow their children to follow the music course is because of the price of the music instrument, although is the price is expensive, but there are music course is rent the music instrument, if the student already had the music instrument, they return the instrument and use they own instrument.
Some people ask that if we study about music, what kind of job we will get if we study about music? I think we can get many job from it, we can be a music course private teacher, from door to door or we can be a music teacher in a school. We can also open the music course. We can join the big music orchestra and we can get some money from it, because to be a member of big music orcherstra is not easy, we have to practice over and over again.
So there is no reason parents not allow their children to follow the music course. Let’s play music, friends!

How to make chocolate

Rizqy Amalia
Have we wondered how we get chocolate from? Well this time we will enter the amazing world of chocolate so we can understand exactly we are eating.
Chocolate starts a tree called cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in place such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pine apple. In side the fruits are the tree's seeds. They are also known as coco beans.
Next, the beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun. After that they are shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour. Different beans from different places have different qualities and flavour. So they are often shorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix.
The next process is winnowing. The roasted beans are winnowed to remove the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell. Then the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter.
All seeds contain some amount of fat and cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs from liquid. It is pure bitter chocolate.

Water Cycle

Ririn Nur
Water cycle is the movement process of water from atmosphere to the earth. Water in the atmosphere is the result of evaporation from land and ocean by solar energy. Evaporation is then exeeded with precipitation, a net movement of water vapor to clauds and forming rain drops to the earth.
Water on the earth evaporates atmosphere influenced by the heat of sun. Part of the rain fell into earth is absorbed by plants, drung by animals, and used by human for their life. The rest of the water flows to the rivers, lakes and groundwater. Finally, the water will flow o the sea. In life, plants, animals, and human release water to the atmoshere through respiration and excretion (sweat and urine).

Explanation Text About Snow

Ria Afriani

Water in its pure formis colorless. If there are impurities, the color of the water.Snowcan also take the color of other objects. For example, in the case of deep glacier ice blocks appear blue. But the snow is slightly different from the ice. Snow is a collection of small ice crystals and interconnected. Ice is clear and color less as the accumulation of crystals combine to form snowflakes.

Snow invisible to us because of the light.Snow fell from the top to the atmosphere and reaches Earth. Ice crystals allow the light that fall son them to get reflected on its surface. There are some crystal faces and the light because it's also so scattered. Has a wave length of visible light of different light show to us.When light strikes any object to be absorbed somewhere in the reflected light and the other part. Part of the reflected light reaches our eyes and make us recognize colors.

Light falling on the ice crystals do not pass through the glass for long distances, but they tend to change direction. Light reflected at an angle in the ice. As the snow there as a collection of some of the snow flakes on the ground, the light falling on them will not have a specific wavelength this reflected with some regularity. Thus, most of the light falling on the snow almost entirely be reflected back. The light that is reflected in the snow will stay white for most of the time as the total light and the reflected wavelength. Therefore, the snow is white.

How to made soy milk?

Reza Pahlevi
Soy milk is a high protein, iron-rich milky liquid produced from pressing ground, cooked soybeans. Creamy white soy milk resembles cow's milk but in fact differs from its dairy counterpart in a number of ways. Not only is it higher in protein and iron content, but it is cholesterol-free, low fat, and low sodium. It is, however, lower in calcium and must be fortified with calcium when given to growing children. Those who are allergic to cow's milk or are unable to digest lactose, the natural sugar found in cow's milk, find soy milk easy to digest since it is lactose-free. Those who are calorie-conscious can purchase reduced fat soy milk (called lite soy milk) but this is often lower in protein as well. Some do not enjoy the taste of original soy milk, so manufacturers now offer flavored soy milk. Soy milk can be substituted for milk in nearly any recipe. Those who merely want to boost protein intake often add powdered soy milk to other beverages; others find it economical to purchase it in powder form and then make soy milk when they add water to the powder. Children under one year of age should be given a formula of soy milk specifically developed with their nutritional needs in mind. Soy milk that is intentionally curdled is known as tofu.
Soy milk requires only soybeans and water (and steam) for its creation. Soy milk is nearly always fortified with calcium, vitamins D, and certain B vitamins. Highly concentrated flavorings, such as vanilla, carob, chocolate, and almond are often added to the finished product. Many companies add sugar and salt to the drink to take it more palatable to the consumer.The soybean is a low acid food and as such, is a good host for the breeding of harmful bacteria. Thus, the manufacturing process is "aseptic," meaning that at a certain point in its production, the soy milk is sealed off from any air because it might introduce dangerous bacteria into the product.


One day there was a dog and cat live in harmony. they were always together, they live in houses. The cat called Aquila, while the dog named Samonsa.
One day a frog meet Samonsa,
"Hey Aamonsa, yesterday I saw Aquila was talking to the baby tiger, Mofina, they are discuss something about you. I think they are planning something bad to you."
"Aquila impossible to do that to me." Samonsa said incredulously
"But I really see it."
"I still do not trust you"
"If you do not believe me, prove it yourself." The Frog, Gerardo were going to leave Samonsa. Samonsa did not believe it. he came home.
The next day he met a large bear named Abah.
"What you Samonsa? Why you seem so sad?" asked Abah.
"Gerardo see me yesterday and he said that the Aquila and Mofina planning bad things to me." he said sadly.
"You do not believe it yet, Gerardo is not known instigators.”
" But his words are so convinced, until I was almost believe it.”
'"I asked, do you love Aquila?"
"Yes, I love him like my sister”
"Then are you sure Aquila love you? "
" Yes, that assures softness "
" If the answer is a disappointing thing if you're suspicious. "
" Okay, thank you direction. you made me realize to not suspect Aquila. " Abah only smile to see it. When Samosa come back home, he see Aquila was talking to Mofina. Apparently he was so serious, surely talking about a serious matter and may be fun, but wait ...
" You'll throw flour on samonsa. "Samonsa shocked when Aquila talk like that,
" What you mean? "cried Samonsa. Aquila and Mofina was shocked. They looked at each other,
" We do not talk about anything!"retorted ?Mofina
" You can not fool me, I hear it all. you plan a bad thing to me "
Aquila forward, "Yes we are planning something bad to you.”
"But what have I done?" asked Samonsa
"You're guilty because you ... because ... you're birthday today.”
" Surprise!" all the animals out, apparently this is a surprise party for birthday Samonsa being. Samonsa happy, he embraced Aquila,
“I'm sorry because saying Gerardo eaten.”
"Never mind Samonsa"
"Thank you my friends I love you." said the delighted Samonsa .

How to furnish a barbie house

R. Rahmi P
Things You'll Need
* Barbie Bathroom Sets * Barbie Bedroom Sets
* Barbie Dolls * Barbie Houses
* Barbie Kitchen Sets * Barbie Living Room Sets
1. Determine how big the house is. Many official Barbie houses are quite small and cannot hold much furniture.
2. Find out what furniture the house already has. You don't want to buy a dining room table if it already has one.
3. Learn what rooms the house has. Most have at least a bedroom, living room and kitchen.
4. Think about the types of furniture available for Barbies. Many items are battery-powered and have lights, make noise or spray water. Decide if you want a high-tech item like this.
5. Go to your local toy store and walk down the Barbie aisle and see everything that is available.
6. Consider furniture that is designed for imitation Barbie dolls. You will have a greater variety of options this way and may find things similar to real Barbie furniture at lower prices.
7. Check catalogs and online stores for a wider variety of furniture items.
8. Recognize that some Barbie furniture is designed for smaller Barbies , but some dollhouse accessories for smaller dolls will work for Barbie. Make sure you purchase furniture that is big enough for Barbie.

Making Organic Compost.

Pratiwi N
To grow beautiful flower or tasty vegetables, gardeners often put compost in their soil. Compost is produced by allowing vegetable matter to decompose naturally
How do you start?
First, the compost’s ingredients have to be collected. Any raw vegetable or plant material is suitable, including leaves grass, vegetable peelings and fruit cores. To introduce helpful bacteria into the compost, some garden soil is also mixed in.
Where do you put it?
Next, the compost mixture is put into a special composting bin, or piled up in the corner of the garden. The compost is left alone for many months while nature does its work.
What turns it into compost?
Microbes, such as bacteria and fungi, soon begin to rot the vegetable material. As a side-effect, natural warmth is produced in the compost. This, in turn, helps to speed up the process. Eventually, natural decomposition transforms the waste vegetable material into soft brown compost.
What is the compost used for?
Finally, gardeners either dig the compost into the soil or spread it on the surface. Compost replaces nutrients in the soil, because it contains nitrogen and other important elements.

How Bees Make Honey

Nurul Moelina
A honey bee stars the honey making process by visiting a flower and gathering some of its nectar. Worker bees live on average in the summer. they spent the last 3 weeks of their lives foraging for nectar and pollen. A honey bee goes from flower to flower collecting nectar from the nest, bee transfers pollen grains from one flower to another and pollinates the flower the other to produce honey. They gather nectar from flowers through his mouth and then save the honey stomach. After the honey stomach is full, he returned to the nest.
House bees process the nectar of about half an hour during a break enzyme complex sugar (sucrose) in the nectar into simple sugars (fructose and glucose), making it easier to digest and less likely to bees were attacked by bacteria and then stored in nest. Nectar to the bees then spread throughout the hive, turning it into a thick syrup. bees speed up the drying process the nectar with their wings flutter. after nectar, sticky buds, and humidity levels have been reduced. to stop the fermentation, honey and bees cap the honeycomb cell with a plug of wax and honey is stored until the need.

The occurrence of the process of mountain

The mountain is due to the tectonic forces at work in the earth called orogenesis and epeirogenesis. In the process of orogenesis these sediments accumulated to change shape as it gets compressive force of the collision of tectonic plates. There are three types of collision of tectonic plates, the plates arc of islands and continents, oceans and continents, and between the continent to continent. Ocean and continental plate collisions cause marine sedimentary deposits on the continental shelf edge. Collision between continental plates resulted in island arc with the ocean plate asthenosfir infiltrated layer and volcanic rocks and sedimentary deposits on the continent and become involved in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California in the Mesozoic era. While the continental shelf to the continental collision is the formation of the Himalayan system and the Ural

Explanation Text About How Bread is made

Noviana Sari
Almost everyone eats bread every day, especially for breakfast. Making bread is not a complicated task. You must have an oven, water, sugar, salt, flour, and yeast. Basic material is derived from wheat flour. There are two types of flour, which is soft, and hard;
Hard flour, made by winter wheat, is a better choice for baking. Use hard bread flour produces a better texture and flavor, Luke warm water is added to flour to make dough.

Yeast is a microscopic organism. May not be impressive in size but capable of producing carbon dioxide. It is also easy to use. Powered yeast dissolved in water only needs to be used directly. The best yeast in the presence of sugar and warmth.

In addition, encouraging rapid growth of yeast in the dough, sugar is added to flour for bread. Salt is added for the same purpose, to make the bread taste good. However, it has the opposite effect on the yeast, not like sugar. The next ingredient is oil, oil, peanut oil or butter. It's very important to make a tender bread. After mixing with all the ingredients, the flour is hand beaten before being sent to the oven.

How To Process Milk

M. Eko
Milk is obtained from the cow (or goat, sheep, or water buffalo) under sanitary and cooled to 45°F (7°C) within 2 hours of milking. Milk is picked up by a handler who takes a sample and then pumps the milk from farm's bulk tank into the milk truck. A handler may pick up milk from more than one farm, so a truck load may contain milk from several farms when it is delivered to the processing plant. Before the milk can be unloaded at the processing plant, each load is tested for antibiotic residues. If the milk shows no evidence of antibiotics, it is pumped into the plant's holding tanks for further processing. If the milk does not pass antibiotic testing, the entire truck load of milk is discarded and the farm samples are tested to find the source of the antibiotic residues. Regulatory action is taken against the farm with the positive antibiotic test. Positive antibiotic tests are rare, and account for far less than 1% of the tank loads of milk delivered to processing plants.

Milk at the plant is stored at less than 45°F (7°C) and is usually processed within 24 hours, but can held for up to 72 hours (3 days) before processing. Longer holding time allows for growth of spoilage organisms that grow at refrigerator temperatures, called psychrotrophs.
Milk contains calcium that are beneficial to our growth, so consume the milk every day to our health.

Making Papers from Woodchips.

Hendra Sakanu
Woochipping is a process used to obtain paper product from forest trees. The woodchipping process begins when the trees are cut down. Next the tops and braches of the trees are but off and then the logs are taken to mill.
At the mill the bark of the logs it removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts them into small pieces called woodchips.
The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by chemicals and heat.
The pulp is then bleaced and the water content is removed.
Finnaly the pulp is rolled out to make paper.

How to make a sugarcane

Hanum Muliasari
Sugarcane is a crop that is planted to sugar and MSG raw materials. These plants can only grow in tropical climates. These plants include species of grasses. Age of the plant since grown to be harvested to achieve approximately 1 year. In Indonesia sugarcane is cultivated in many islands of Java and Sumatra.

For the manufacture of sugar cane which is harvested by machine squeezed squeezer (press machine) in a sugar factory. After that, juice or sugar cane juice is filtered is usually done twice a day (morning and afternoon), boiled for 5 -6 hours until the juice thickens water and golden brown, then chill the dough sugar.

After that, the process of grinding sugar dough, the dough lumpy sugar after being unloaded from the furnace fire will naturally harden due to the decrease in temperature on the sugar mixture. at the time this hardens mixing and grinding process is carried out using a spatula. This process is approximately one hour until the dough is smooth and granulated sugar into a sugar bleached so that we know. Of the manufacturing process of sugar cane will be produced 5%, 90% bagasse and the rest of the drops (molasse) and water. after that for the same grains which we have to do the screening, if screening results are the same, then immediately packaged sugar.

How do seasons happen?

Fanny Nur A
Seasons come to us regularly. We have probably noticed that it gets warmer in summer or dry season while it get colder in the winter or wet season. However do we know how these seasons change?

Seasons happen and change every year. This happens because the earth tilts back and forth as it goes around the sun. During the summer, the earth tilts toward the sun. It makes half of the earth hotter. this condition is what we call summer. During the other half of the year, the earth tilts away from the sun. As a result, it makes that half of the earth cooler. This cool condition is then what we call winter.

The different parts of the world have the same season at different times. In the northern half of the world , winter happens during the months of December, January and February. The regions are such North America and Europe. In the other hand, the southern half of the world have winter during the months of June, July and August.The regions are like South America and Australia. How does this difference happen? The same season happens at different times because the top and bottom halves of the earth tilt away from the sun at different times.

How does Rain Happen?

Dita Harsani
Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation.
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth's surface water and causing the surface water to evaporate. The water vapor rises into the Earth's atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall to the earth as precipitation which can be in the form of rain or snow.
However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

Wrong Suspicion

Diddah A S

Folklore from Tasikmalaya is very good for precedent that people do not act rashly without thinking first.

Once upon a time, there is married couple in Tasikmalaya. Their life was peaceful enough and happy. On one day, they found a little tiger who had been left by his mother’s death. The tiger is maintained by them, be educated, and be treated like their family. It turns out that the animal knew who he is, he being obedient to the married couple. The tiger grow up, he was clever and agile. The tiger being called ‘Loreng’.

So closely Loreng’s relationship with the married couple, so that he can understand what did the married couple spoken words. If he asked by them, of course he will obedient and doing what they asked so well.

The married couple who worked as farmer feeling more happy when their child was born, a healthy boy. This moment what they waiting since the old. If they going to work in fields, their baby left at home. Loreng assigned to maintain the safety of the baby. This went on for several months.
The marriage couple feel love Loreng because he can be trusted to maintain the safety of their children.

On a sweltering afternoon, the farmer's wife went into the fields to go to send foods for her husband. The husband immediately stopped work. He immediately went to his wife in the hut. there, The husband and wife eating food that was served.

Just finished eating and drinking. suddenly they heard Loreng’s voice. Loreng seems to run, pass through the fields continue heading loom. Loreng repeatedly wagged his tail as he gently rubbed his body to the husband and wife.
"Dear, why Loreng do not act as usual?" asked the wife.

"Yes, my wife. Weird. What happen?" replied the husband.

"Dear, look!" cried the wife. "Loreng’s mouth full of blood!"

Her husband gave a start, the mouth was covered in fresh blood stripes.

"Loreng?" said the husband. "Do-do you have to pounce on my son. You killed my son!"

Loreng shaking his head. blood in the mouth so scattering. Husband's anger overflowed once. He immediately revoke his machete and cut off the head of Loreng. A suspect who was attacked did not have time to dodge. Tiger was moaning in pain. He did not fight, just a pair of eyes looking toward a married couple with great curiosity. Because He is not dead, the husband immediately swung his machete with the full fury of up to three times. A severing of the neck and body. the animal was killed with a pathetic way.
"Dear! Sooner we go home!"
They immediately ran to his house.
Up in the house, they found their baby still in the swing. It seems the baby fell asleep. He felt for his son's body, her body shaken. Baby woke up and smiled at his parents' arrival.

Both husband and wife were grateful for the baby survived and is still alive. Satisfied after watching the baby, Now they looked around the room. And focused their attention on places around the bottom of his swing. they get the carcass of a huge snake lying bloodied in the swing. Both husband and wife realize that their son has been credited with saving the lives of a large snake attack.
Husband and wife are very sorry, especially the husband, Having been in a hurry to kill him beloved tigers. It is done for the wrong guess.

This story teaches us not to act rashly, Think carefully before taking action that will harm


Dessy Nur I
A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the Sun shines on to droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere. It takes the form of a multicolouredarc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.
In a "primary rainbow", the arc shows red on the outer part, and violet on the inner side. This rainbow is caused by light being refracted while entering a droplet of water, then reflected inside on the back of the droplet and refracted again when leaving it.
In a double rainbow, a second arc is seen outside the primary arc, and has the order of its colours reversed, red facing toward the other one, in both rainbows. This second rainbow is caused by light reflecting twice inside water droplets. The region between a double rainbow is dark, and is known as "Alexander's band" or "Alexander's dark band".
The rainbow is not located at a specific distance, but comes from any water droplets viewed from a certain angle relative to the Sun's rays. Thus, a rainbow is not a physical object, and cannot be physically approached. Rainbows can be caused by many forms of airborne water. These include not only rain, but also mist, spray, and airborne dew.

How Earthquakes Happen

Ahmad Fajri

Earthquake is one of the most destroying natural disasters. Unluckily it often happens in several regions. Recently a horrible earthquake has shaken West Sumatra. It has brought great damages. Why did it occur? Do you know how an earthquake happens?
Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves. It make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don't just slide smoothly. The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure that's built up. When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.
During the earthquake and afterward, the plates or blocks of rock start moving, and they continue to move until they get stuck again. The spot underground where the rock breaks is called the focus of the earthquake. The place right above the focus is called the epicenter of the earthquake.