Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

something about potatoes

Potato was first reached Europe in the year 1500 -
simultaneously with the arrival of the ship-
Spanish ships from Peru. but when
imported, potatoes slow once accepted
European society. potatoes are prohibited
eaten in Burgundy because it is considered
as the source of leprosy. Elsewhere
potatoes get a bad name because
was accused of causing disease
syphilis. Until the 1720's, in America there are still
belief that the potato can shorten the life of the
consume them. Only after American independence,
potatoes more acceptable, and today has become one
a staple food of the American people. Then go to Indonesia,
the potato was transformed into potato cakes

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

something about wines

During the period of apartheid rule in Africa
South, grape workers never
are paid with money but paid with
of alcohol. As a result of the vineyard so it is not
taken care of and when the harvest
many workers are not included because of crammed every day to get high alcohol and wine are rotting. This policy ended after apartheid was abolished, the results south african wines are now starting to be calculated as a rival to European wines.

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

sneezes napoleon

Napoleon Bonaparte, while fighting in the Middle East in
1799 intended to release the 1200 Turkish soldiers who had captured the French, when French
Jaffa won. At that
Napoleon was stricken with influenza.
When inspecting the troops, Napoleon
severe coughing until he
said "Ma sacre toux" (Cough
damn). Napoleon's escort officer
was the general says
"Massacrez Tous" (Kill all).
As a result, all 1200 prisoners
Turk was killed. Just because a cough
the generals and officers of error ears!

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

largest organisms on earth

Want to know what the largest organism on earth?
Elephants? Not. Blue Whale? Nor was it.
The answer is a kind of fungus
(Fungus) called Armillaria ostoyae
or honey mushrooms dihidup in the Forest
Malheur National in eastern Oregon,
USA. Fungi that live about 3 feet below the surface
land and has an area of ​​approximately 890 acres and was
at least 2400 years, even more! Believe it or not, the organisms that live under the ground it was not the hordes of mushrooms, but only one fungus alone!

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

charm Antarctica

Antarctic continent is a continent that has a number of
uniqueness is remarkable to learn.
This continent has actually covered
ice for 35 million years. although
covered in ice, cold continent has
a number of volcanoes, but not
one is active. Antarctic continent
having an adequate number of peaks
high, with the highest peak is Vinson Massif with
altitude of 4897 meters. Although humans have been approached
the continent since 1820, but it was only in 1990-an exploration of the mainland freeze it began. A very hard life there turned out to have claimed the lives of more than 200 scientists and researchers during the last 45 years!

The new tallest tree

Once before, a tree with the highest record
in the world falls on a tree in the Park
Stratosphere Giant Redwood named.
Height is 113 meters. But the alleged record
It has been broken by the discovery of three trees in
The same National Park. Allegedly, tree height
Hyperion called it could reach 115.2
meters. Until now still waiting for confirmation
to set the Hyperion become the world's tallest tree.

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

something about Johannes Brahms

If anyone says that one who deals in
the arts have a feeling that
smooth, then try to read the following facts
this. Johannes Brahms (1833-1897),
The great German composer, is one
a hated
the animal. At the time relaxing or being
For inspiration, the composer is often
go to the attic of her house and
preparing a bow and arrow.
There almost every time he's shooting cats
its neighbors. These bad habits continue to do until the rest of his life!

something about Khubilai Khan

Of course you are all familiar with Kublai Khan. Yup, the emperor
Mongols are very cruel and expansive
This appears to have sided tolerance
is very high. Believe it not, Kublai Khan
is a prominent leader of the first world
which states that the days of big
Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and
Islam serve as an official holiday
statehood. Just so you know, Kublai Khan
is the grandson of Genghis Khan
so legendary that has
power stretching from the borders of Europe, Eastern
Middle, until almost all of East Asia in the 13th century.
In other words, official state holiday on each day
major religions in the world is indeed possible to do
by Kublai Khan as the extent of his realm.

lake death

Lake of the Dead Sea that ran in the area
between Israel and Jordan have
a number of notable uniqueness.
Lake of the Dead Sea is the place
lowest in the world with a height of 417.5
meters below sea level! In addition,
Lake of the Dead Sea has a salinity levels
water reaches 33%. So no wonder many tourists from all over the world come to float in the sea. As the levels of keasinannya it, it is almost impossible to survive living in the Lake of the Dead Sea. However, a number of certain types of bacteria are still able to survive in the lake. As information, the Lake of the Dead Sea mud is very nutritious treat various skin diseases.

The oldest plant

Want to know what plants are from the time
dinosaurs still exist today?
The answer is the maidenhair tree or
known species of Ginkgo or Ginkgo Biloba. Plant species that have existed in the Jurassic and the Triassic period (135-210 million years ago)!


Know the fish screen (sailfish)? Fish that become
favorite among professional anglers proved
remains a mystery to the experts the field
marine biology. This is because
movement of fish flesh was delicious
very fast and the displacement rate
(migration) is very high. Moreover, fish has a name
Latin Istiophorus albicans (for that was in the Ocean
Pacific) and Istiophorus platypterus (for those living in
Atlantic Ocean) are scattered hundreds of miles from shore. so that
very difficult for experts to find their exact locations,
tagging process (penomeran), as well as the collection
the data. But recent research suggests that these fish
really 'fast'. Believe it not, 36 hours after
spawn, the eggs hatch immediately! Not only that,

© 2008 Julius Haflan ● Unique Collection of Facts 5

very rapid growth of their bodies, about 6 feet per

The Fastest animal

If we're talking about the fastest animal in the
Earth, then we often associate
with a cheetah, a species of big cats that live